
Unmasking the Truth: Why Most Fast Chargers Fall Short of Their Promised Power
The big lie: Most 120kW, 180kW, 200kW DC fast chargers are only supplying 80kW of power In the race for market share, funding dollars, and a geographic footprint, we as...

NACS Replacement Cable Coming 2024
Hey there, EV enthusiasts, we've got more exciting news to share here at Electric Avenue! We're all about staying nimble and keeping up with the ever-changing landscape of our industry....

Charging by kWh: A Game-Changer for EV Owners
We're excited to announce we've recently received approval from Measurement Canada that will transform the way EV owners are billed for charging at our stations! This approval allows us to...

How to Get 4 (almost free) EV Chargers for Your Condo or Apartment Building
Owners of condo and apartment buildings within Nova Scotia have an opportunity to receive up to $10,000 from Efficiency Nova Scotia for installing electric vehicle charging stations for tenant use.

Electric Avenue Announces its Enterprise Software is OpenADR Certified
Electric Avenue announced its Enterprise Software is now OpenADR certified, giving electric vehicles (EVs) the potential to become an essential part of our power system. Referred to as a game...

What Canada Can Learn About Electric Vehicle Adoption from Norway
In Canada’s pursuit of a becoming a net zero nation by 2050, eliminating transportation emissions remains an important target. Transportation accounts for about 25% of green house gas emissions in...

Going from Zero to Net Zero - A Condo’s Guide to Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
Interest in owning Electric vehicles may vary from condo to condo but one thing is for sure, they’re coming. We don’t have to look further than the available stats. In...

Majority of Car Owners Ready to Buy an EV by 2024
Consumers May Be Ready for Electric Vehicles Sooner Than Expected Is your business considering offering EV charging to your customers? Are your (potential) employees beginning to consider EVs and wondering...