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How to Avoid Costly Infrastructure Upgrades with Dynamic Load Management

Case Study: Condo Building Avoids Costly Infrastructure Upgrades with Dynamic Load Management. Image of Watti Pro Chargers installed in underground parking garage of condo building with 164 units and 13 charging stations


Condo buildings are increasingly adopting sustainable technologies to cater to the growing demand for electric vehicles among their residents. One such condo building, “GreenHaven Residences”, located in a bustling urban area, faced the challenge of accommodating the electrical demands of their 13 newly installed Watti Pro 48A Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations in the underground parking garage. To ensure the seamless operation of these charging stations without overloading the electrical infrastructure, GreenHaven Residences used Electric Avenue’s Enterprise Software to take advantage of its dynamic load management feature.


After installing 13 EV charging stations in their underground parking garage, GreenHaven Residences faced a significant increase in electrical demand as multiple EV-owning residents tended to charge their cars in the evening hours after work, a time when the building already sees peak energy demand. This posed the potential risk of overloading the building's electrical infrastructure, leading to power outages, equipment damage, and increased maintenance costs. The building management needed a solution to balance the electrical capacity while providing residents with convenient EV charging options.


GreenHaven Residences opted to purchase Electric Avenue’s Enterprise Software to take advantage of its dynamic load management feature and avoid costly infrastructure upgrades. 

Through the software, GreenHaven Residences was able to group their charge points together in a circuit and set an energy limit while still ensuring that all vehicles plugged in would be efficiently charged within the maximum available power, and according to each vehicle’s charging capacity. 

Electric Avenue’s Enterprise Software collects real-time data on energy consumption from the software-connected chargers. During periods of high demand, the load management algorithm takes into account the available power capacity and charging capabilities of the connected vehicles (as not all vehicles can draw the same amount of power) and adjusts the power distribution among the charging stations to ensure the total energy draw doesn’t exceed the set energy limit. 

By connecting the chargers to Enterprise Software, residents were also able to use Electric Avenue’s free mobile app which allowed them to initiate and monitor their charging sessions. The app also allowed users to schedule charging sessions during off-peak hours when electrical demand was lower.


Visual explaining how available power is distributed to electric vehicles without load management, with static load management and with dynamic load management


Implementation of Electric Avenue’s Enterprise Software dynamic load management feature yielded several positive outcomes for GreenHaven Residences: 

Stable Operation:
The building's electrical infrastructure remained stable even during peak charging times, eliminating the risk of power outages and equipment damage. 

Cost Savings:
By efficiently managing the electrical load, the condo building reduced the likelihood of incurring additional charges from the utility company due to excessive peak demand. 

Resident Satisfaction:
Residents appreciated the convenient and reliable EV charging service, with the ability to schedule charging sessions according to their preferences. 

The condo building further promoted sustainability by encouraging the use of electric vehicles and optimizing energy consumption.

Implementing dynamic load management saved GreenHaven Residences costly and time-consuming infrastructure upgrades and allows the condominium to install more charge points as demand grows.


GreenHaven Residences successfully addressed the challenge of accommodating increased electrical demand due to the installation of 13 electric vehicle charging stations in their underground parking garage.

The implementation of dynamic load management through Electric Avenue’s Enterprise Software allowed the condo building to balance its electrical capacity, ensuring stable operation, cost savings, and resident satisfaction.

As the adoption of electric vehicles continues to rise, GreenHaven Residences is an example of effective energy management in multi-unit residential developments.

Wondering if your building could benefit from load management? Get in touch with one of our EV Charging Experts who can help guide you through what's involved with installing EV charging infrastructure, from the planning phase to post-installation support.